Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stakeholders for Homework Helper concept

One of my project ideas was creating an app that would help students keep track of things like their assignments and test dates, but it would still require a lot of initial data entry at the beginning of the term and the only stakeholders would be the students. However, I vaguely remember hearing about another app that was popular in an Asian country where the students would set up their own network with their class and they would put in the content all on their own. If a student wanted to sign up for a class, they could first check if a group already existed from their school, with that course type and number. If it did exist, they could just click and join that group, otherwise they could create a new group. Everyone could contribute to building the course schedule, upload assignment handouts and other things.

Students (Internal, Operational Stakeholders) - They are the ones who will be administering their own classes. If there were a point system, could help this group police themselves and if a student has low points, they wouldn't be allowed to make as many posts .If there was a way to see who made what changes, the points would be easier to distribute as well.

Teachers (Internal/External Stakeholders) - They aren't quite as needed here, but can contribute to the group as well. Having a teacher accounts would probably lead to a lot of abuse to the system. They could still set up the group and add in extra assignments or even extra credit.

Students from other classes (External Stakeholders) - If the group had a chat/ message board of some kind, other students who might be thinking of taking the class next semester or who will be having the same professor might want to check in on what the current students are saying. It would almost be like but it could also give some insight on how difficult certain assignments are, how difficult quizzes or exams are, or with which concepts everyone in the class began to struggle.

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